Well, would you look at that

A Starbucks blonde-roasted single-origin whole-bean coffee package written "sun-dried Brazil Carmos de Minas"

It is sad that, while being in a country with more than one cafĂ© on each corner, it’s hard to find good coffee, to the point where Starbucks is an acceptable substitute. Even more because Starbucks over-roast their coffee, so much so that this “blonde roast” is more like a medium roast everywhere else.

On the other hand, I’ve never had sun-dried “blonde-roasted” single-origin Brazilian coffee before, not even in Brazil (where it could, funny enough, cost way more than around here), so I picked it up.

Despite being the largest coffee producer/exporter in the world, good coffee in Brazil is obscenely expensive and people are used to drinking just a bitter-burnt liquid with lots of sugar. And if you want to drink something from Africa or SE Asia, it’s almost impossible to find.

Anyway, this one is a nice coffee. To find something better around here would be more expensive, and I would have to go to Porto to look for specialty coffee places. The last time I did that, I ended up with a coffee that tasted like orange peel.

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