The Monster Hunter series isn’t an epic waiting to be told, but society rebuilding itself I’m not going over the detailed history of the Monster Hunter world, because it doesn’t exist. Some wikis have a sort of synopsis about what events happened in what order but, as far as I know, there was never an…
Author: Loke
I miss my Mazda 323
It was not a great car. I mean, it’s a Mazda, so it’s pretty good overall, but it was a vehicle from 2003. That’s the last year Mazda made the 323 before switching to the Mazda3. So, great car all around, except for this particular one, which had gone around more than 200,000 kilometers before…
Changing music services is a miserable experience
Why does changing streaming services, or even music player software, have to be an experience so hostile? The first time I moved from one “music service” to another was when I moved from Winamp to iTunes. Heresy, I know, but my music collection was growing fast and I wanted an easy way to manage all…
I made some chiptune music
Well, I finally released my chiptune/fakebit album, made in Renoise and with sounds synthesized on Plogue Chipsynth C64. If the sounds don’t seem too much videogame-y, it’s because I was driving the filter with resonance while trying to create more “realistic” sounds. I was trying to push the chip emulation to its limits rather than bending the tracker…
How to criticize a translation
Or: how to critically appraise any kind of creative endeavor without acting like a fool or an asshole This is an old post that’s been sitting for a while in my drafts, and I ruminate about what to write in it for some time after reading the article below. There’s actually nothing I could add…
Well, would you look at that
It is sad that, while being in a country with more than one café on each corner, it’s hard to find good coffee, to the point where Starbucks is an acceptable substitute. Even more because Starbucks over-roast their coffee, so much so that this “blonde roast” is more like a medium roast everywhere else. On…
I made a small game and a tool in Decker
It’s a cool little thing to make games, tools, and other stuff The first time I used an Apple computer was in 2011, I think, which was already too late for it to have Hypercard. To be honest, I didn’t even know that Hypercard existed until I found Decker, which is a retro-looking software inspired by it.…
The phonology of European Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese
There is some weird stuff going on with these two variants that I think it’s interesting to explore because they diverge in more than just vocabulary, as the phonology for each one moved in different directions — and in the European Portuguese case, removed itself quite a bit from the usual path Romance languages have…
Meeting friends on a Summer night
A small interactive fiction made with Twine I made a small project to learn how to use Twine. It’s just a short interactive fiction, nothing major or incredible about it. Twine is cool and very easy to use, especially if you use the Chapbook format and just want to write. But embedding the image at…
New ambient EP
After a long while, I released two new ambient songs in a new EP. You can listen to it now on bandcamp, link below, and in a week or so it should hit all the streaming services and YouTube. A Day in the Life of by lokeloski