
A short, personal, and wordy essay about gachas

Most gachas have predatory practices, but there are a few that can be played as normal games I’m over 30, and as I get older(TM) and real life(R) start to creep up on my free time, I’m starting to value mobile games more and more. I always liked handhelds (I’m salty to this day about…

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Gendered languages and translation

One of the things I sometimes see being ignored in video game translation is the existence of gendered languages. This matters a lot because, depending on the language, it can make or break what would’ve been an easy job. These issues are now less common than they were a few years ago, but they still…

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A Shadow in the Desert

Between the shores of the inner sea and the borders of the living forest, there’s a desert which, according to legend, has existed since the world’s creation. A patch of land larger than many nations, but belonging to no one, as it is considered unconquerable and unlivable. The sands there, though, are said to hide…

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Using “AI”-translated content is a bad idea

In some ways, I could be considered a Luddite, I guess I’m not against it because I fear for my job. I actually would embrace any new technology that made things easier, but that hasn’t been the case here. The issue with “AI” – and I use quotes because it is not a true AI,…

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Setting up a game for localization

Non-technical stuff to be aware of Note: this was originally published in 2019 on Medium. It has been now reviewed and updated to be posted here. I’ve been working as a translator from English to Brazilian Portuguese for the video game industry for 12 years now, and I had to deal with a lot of…

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My family is considered middle class in Brazil. Bear in mind that middle class down there can go from “someone scraping by, but not going hungry” to “someone who can travel to other countries, but not without burning a hole in their pocket”. My family would sit right in between these two extremes. There were…

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About liminal spaces and solitude

Note: This was originally written and shared on cohost. If you wish to see the full context to understand why it was written, check the link. I’m originally from one of the largest countries in the world. Large as in, larger than the USA if you take Alaska out of the equation (sorry Alaska). My…

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New music!

After a year of procrastination and/or being busy with other stuff, I released some new songs! Secluded Quill by lokeloski

Video Games

Video game reviews

Sometimes I like to talk about games that I like, and sometimes I like to write about games that I like. There’s an indie video game digital magazine I collaborate with from time to time, and I wrote two articles for them this year: one was about Caves of Qud, a roguelike/RPG that’s pretty cool…

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Hello world, I guess

So, why start a blog in the year of our lord 2023? The simple answer is… because social networks are either imploding or creating more predatory means of abusing algorithms and “AI”. I don’t plan to blog much, but I figured it would be nice to have a hub for everything I do online. I…

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