Video Games

The Banished Vault has a physical manual

Seriously. And you can buy it from Amazon (I think it’s print-on-demand?). And it’s a proper manual, just look at this, it’s gorgeous. It’s worth mentioning that this is the same manual that’s accessible inside the game, but in a physical format. I bought it some time ago because, to be honest, flipping through pages — that…

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“Rewilding the Internet”

Some time ago I read an article that compared the internet to a forest, and how it thrives on diversity in a plural and complex ecosystem instead of being a monoculture, like it is today. It’s a very interesting analogy and very well worth reading. I like this idea a lot. I’m not that old…

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Ultima Online nostalgia

A trip down the memory lane There was a time when the genre of “MMORPGs” had more variety than just another copy-paste version of a single-player game story that you go through with a bunch of people over the internet, which is the common formula used today. I wish that the genre had gone in…

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Devlog 1 – Concept and planning

As I said in the previous post, I’ll be making the game in Twine first, and then porting it to Decker. My original idea, though, was to make an “open-world” exploration RPG, something like SaGa: Scarlet Grace or Emerald Beyond, in RPG Maker. Maybe go even further and do something like Romancing SaGa 3, which…

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I guess I’m starting a devlog

I’m working on a project, but I’m lacking a bit of motivation lately, so maybe writing about the project’s development here might help. Also, I opened the project for the first time after an almost two-week hiatus — due to the lack of time — and got completely lost about what I was doing. I…

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Using Arturia’s CMI V to create lo-fi samples

Quick tip on how to create lo-fi sounds from hi-fi samples and instruments Some years ago I was looking into some of Arturia’s less talked synth emulations and found a great video about the Farlight CMI V. The video is quite long, but the stuff about sampling and resynthesis caught my eye since I never…

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Cleansing Flames

This story was written years ago for a contest. It got a positive feedback, but wasn’t picked. I found it again a few months ago, adjusted a bit of the flow, and it’s now here. Some people say Hell is a fiery pit of despair, eternally engulfed in flames. Others say it’s a cold and…

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