Or, to be more specific, “translating a game while keeping the mouth movement of the original voice acting in mind” Unsurprisingly, this is a topic that’s not very well-known. Bear in mind that TV shows and movies also do something similar, but since I’ve never worked in these industries, I’ll keep the focus on video…
I miss handheld consoles
Smartphones as gaming devices will never have the longevity, or reliability, that handheld consoles have I never really had a “proper” smartphone until last year. My last “good smartphone” was a Nokia E95 (I miss that design and clicky keys) more than 10 years ago, and since then I only bought low-to-mid-range smartphones because I…
Sacred 2 was a diamond in the rough
Sacred 2 is a not-so-hidden gem that showed what ARPGs could be, given the chance, time, and money Note: this was originally published on Medium. It was edited to be published here. Revisiting this old gem is like meeting an old friend: weird at first, but surprisingly nice. There are some games you just can’t…
The “games as a service” philosophy is not that great
The concept of “games as a service” might be detrimental to the game industry as a whole in the long run Note: this was originally published in 2019 on Medium. It has been now reviewed and edited to be posted here. Many things changed in the industry, but I think the point that drove me…
Open world in video games
In open-world games, traveling should be a core part of the design, instead of treating the map just as a background setpiece Note: this was originally posted on cohost in a thread about open-world games and in-game traveling, and edited before being posted here. Like many people, I consider Morrowind to be Bethesda’s pinnacle, and…
I’m obsessed with the band Jinjer
Before I say anything, if you never heard Jinjer, watch this music clip first. The video was so tastefully shot it’s almost a crime. But ok, anyway, now we can talk. People not used to listening to metal – and to be honest, a lot that do listen to metal – always get shocked when…
A short, personal, and wordy essay about gachas
Most gachas have predatory practices, but there are a few that can be played as normal games I’m over 30, and as I get older(TM) and real life(R) start to creep up on my free time, I’m starting to value mobile games more and more. I always liked handhelds (I’m salty to this day about…
Gendered languages and translation
One of the things I sometimes see being ignored in video game translation is the existence of gendered languages. This matters a lot because, depending on the language, it can make or break what would’ve been an easy job. These issues are now less common than they were a few years ago, but they still…
A Shadow in the Desert
Between the shores of the inner sea and the borders of the living forest, there’s a desert which, according to legend, has existed since the world’s creation. A patch of land larger than many nations, but belonging to no one, as it is considered unconquerable and unlivable. The sands there, though, are said to hide…
Using “AI”-translated content is a bad idea
In some ways, I could be considered a Luddite, I guess I’m not against it because I fear for my job. I actually would embrace any new technology that made things easier, but that hasn’t been the case here. The issue with “AI” – and I use quotes because it is not a true AI,…