Video Games

Battles as a point of friction in RPGs

The first post of two where I think hard about what bothers me so much in a lot of RPGs, and why I think I might be in a niche Reading the second part might help contextualize a few things, but it’s not required. For the longest time, I couldn’t figure out why some RPGs wore me…

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Video Games

Warframe has a great sci-fi story

Sadly, it’s buried beneath hundreds of hours of gameplay Note: this was originally published on Medium. The article might contain some small spoilers. Also bear in mind the starting experience might’ve changed since this was written. Warframe (official website) is a free-to-play third-person shooter with “space ninjas”. It’s a really, really good game considering its…

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Video Games

Rambling about exploration in games

I’ve been playing Dragon’s Dogma recently and rediscovering the feeling of slow-and-steady exploration in a fantasy world. It’s been awesome. It’s hard to find games that feed you that sense of discovering things in an organic way, so to speak, since most will railroad you into a main quest (that’s not always that interesting) or…

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I miss handheld consoles

Smartphones as gaming devices will never have the longevity, or reliability, that handheld consoles have I never really had a “proper” smartphone until last year. My last “good smartphone” was a Nokia E95 (I miss that design and clicky keys) more than 10 years ago, and since then I only bought low-to-mid-range smartphones because I…

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Video Games

Sacred 2 was a diamond in the rough

Sacred 2 is a not-so-hidden gem that showed what ARPGs could be, given the chance, time, and money Note: this was originally published on Medium. It was edited to be published here. Revisiting this old gem is like meeting an old friend: weird at first, but surprisingly nice. There are some games you just can’t…

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Video Games

Open world in video games

In open-world games, traveling should be a core part of the design, instead of treating the map just as a background setpiece Note: this was originally posted on cohost in a thread about open-world games and in-game traveling, and edited before being posted here. Like many people, I consider Morrowind to be Bethesda’s pinnacle, and…

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A short, personal, and wordy essay about gachas

Most gachas have predatory practices, but there are a few that can be played as normal games I’m over 30, and as I get older(TM) and real life(R) start to creep up on my free time, I’m starting to value mobile games more and more. I always liked handhelds (I’m salty to this day about…

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Using “AI”-translated content is a bad idea

In some ways, I could be considered a Luddite, I guess I’m not against it because I fear for my job. I actually would embrace any new technology that made things easier, but that hasn’t been the case here. The issue with “AI” – and I use quotes because it is not a true AI,…

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Video Games

Video game reviews

Sometimes I like to talk about games that I like, and sometimes I like to write about games that I like. There’s an indie video game digital magazine I collaborate with from time to time, and I wrote two articles for them this year: one was about Caves of Qud, a roguelike/RPG that’s pretty cool…

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